Retrieving a loan application issue

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  • P12345's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes

    We filled out a loan application on the Tesco bank website last week. At the end of the process, we were given two options: 1) to proceed with the application or 2) to save it and retrieve it at a later time. We opted for the latter.

    We then received an email explaining how to retrieve our application at a later time which also contained the loan application number.

    This week we followed the instructions on how to retrieve our application and duly entered our loan application number.

    Every time we did so - and we have tried on multiple different occasions and using different browsers - we got the same result, namely that after we press the retrieve option, we get a completely blank white screen and no amount of leaving it to work away resolves the issue.

    There is clearly a technical issue if the Tesco bank website fails to retrieve an application when a user follows the relevant instructions.

    Please fix this,

    Thank you.
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @P12345 Hey there, sorry to hear this.

    If you call the Loans team on 0345 600 6016, available Monday to Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-2pm, they will be able to finalise the application for you.

    Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself

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