Direct debit payments

  • DAPPYDOO's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Hi. I am fairly new to Tesco with my credit card. I have had my first statement saying £** to be paid by 18th February. I couldn't remember if I had set up a DD already or not so was getting worried. I went into my account yesterday and clicked on something saying £** had been requested yesterday by direct debit. I looked at my other bank account that the DD would be coming from and it has only shown today in pending. Went back on my Tesco CC account and it now today shows as pending amount BUT it is now the 19th and it says it doesn't show on balance etc the payment until it clears - but that is obviously going to be After the requested 18th Feb. I know it was the weekend, but worrying that as it's not clearing yet that I'll already get a late payment fee and notification for it not being cleared by the 18th.... I know I'm probably overthinking this, but I'm generally very careful with these sorts of things. And as it is a fairly new CC account I don't want it messed up.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @DAPPYDOO Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Has the payment cleared now? As it was due over the weekend it will likely clear after the payment date. However, our system will recognise this and you shouldn't be charged a late fee.

    Although if this is the case then please get back in touch with us and we'll sort it for you.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

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