Paying in to Tesco account: need help from Nationwide customers

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  • SMC's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I've just set up a Tesco Bank savings account and I'm trying to pay some money in from our Nationwide account. The trouble is, Tesco has only provided me with an account number and a sort code. The NW on-line form has a lot of manditory fields, which I have no idea how to fill in.

    I tried just making some stuff up and transferring one Pound, but that just disappeared into the ether.

    Can anyone help, please?
  • 2 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @SMC Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Which fields are you having trouble filling in?

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself
  • SMC's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Thank you for your response. I actually called Tesco and got the answers. As I couldn't find the answers on the web site, I'll put them here for the benefit of others.

    It's a personal account, not business. You put the name of the account holder who is paying in, not Tesco Bank. Use the Sort Code and Account number you were supplied with.

    Yes, you will get the dire warning that if the money goes astray, the bank may not be able to claw it back, meaning you could lose it. This is because Tesco is not signed up to the Visa verification scheme.

    I have now successfully paid into our Fixed Rate Saver using Nationwide and Santander accounts, so i know it works.

    What I didn't manage to do is pay in using the app. I am told this is because you can't do that with a Fixed Rate Saver. Suffice to say, if all the above appeared somewhere nice and obvious on the web site, I wouldn't have needed to waste everyone's time!

Need some help?