Credit Card- Missed payment

  • Cat27's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes

    I recently signed up to the Tesco credit card and manage it via the mobile app.

    I had a missed payment in May, my own fault as I did not set up a direct debit in time. Following which I did set one up by June 9 to collect the payment due end of June.

    It’s now July, and I have been sent an arrears notice telling me that I made a late payment in May( expected) and a missed payment in June , despite having set up a direct debit via mobile banking for June( unexpected).

    I call customer care who confirm the above and respective dates but highlight that a direct debit set up in the same month a payment is due will not get registered on their systems and requires me to call them in such an event and ensure it is registered. Nowhere on the app is this mentioned, highlighted or flagged (a fact the customer service individual acknowledged on call) . I would like to add, setting up a direct debit on Tesco mobile ap for credit cards is the most confusing/ unintuitive experience I have had on mobile banking.

    Despite acknowledging that June’s missed payment was not my fault, due to the shortcoming of Tesco mobile banking and lack of information by the bank, customer service insisted Tesco is not at fault, as my account is self managed and would not remove the missed payment notification and late fee. I stressed my dissatisfaction that this will impact my credit score which has been spotless.

    What can I do to dispute this late payment notice?
    Many thanks
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  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Cat27 Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    I'm sorry to hear about this experience you had and can understand your frustration.

    Whilst ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that your payments are made on time, I appreciate that you were under the impression the Direct Debit was active. We're not able to resolve this here, I'm afraid, so it may be best to raise an official complaint, so it is fully investigated.

    You can raise a complaint here, or we can raise it for you. If you'd prefer that we do it, please send a private message and we'll arrange that for you.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself