Hi all looking for some help

I had a charge taken from my credit card by a company in error a few days ago. I noticed this straight away as got an email confirming they had taken payment. I contacted them and they said sorry and processed a refund within an hour of taking the payment.

I've been sent the refund confirmation so I know they have done it. On my app when I logged in on that day it showed the incorrect payment taken and then the refund was also showing but not as a negative but another plus.

After some research I've seen that for some reason this is how it will initially show and then update after a few days.

Now I've went back into the app and it's disappeared all together and there is nothing showing as pending just the original incorrect payment and my balance has been updated to reflect this.

Where has the refund gone? If it's working its way through in the background it's fine it would just be handy to know. Is this the normal way Tesco process a refund?
