One off payment by cheque

  • Julia1's Avatar
    I want to pay a large amount out of my building society account onto my visa but they don't do transfers. I have the Tesco app and have my bank account is linked to it to do faster payments. I don't receive paper statements so don't have a payment slip - can I pay a cheque onto my Tesco visa by post or at the post office? I want to avoid withdrawing by cheque from the building society, paying it into my current account, then doing a faster payment once the cheque clears! Thanks, Julia
  • 3 Replies

  • RheaD's Avatar
    Hi Julia1, there are details on the second page of your statement that show you how to pay by cheque, this can be done either by post or at a bank. You will need the Bank Giro Credit Slip that is on your statement. If you have access to a printer you should be able to print your statement from online banking. If this isn’t possible please private message your DOB and postcode to the Tesco-Bank account so we can send a statement out for you. When sending your details please leave a space between the characters of your personal information following the example bellow. If i haven't picked up your query correctly just let me know.

    A B C 1 2 3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    0 1 01 0 0 0 0
  • Julia1's Avatar
    Thanks for your reply. I can't find anywhere on online banking where I can request a statement? I've changed my preferences to receive paper statements from now, but I'd like one sending out immediately if possible. What's the Tesco-Bank account you mention? Thanks, Julia
  • EileenM's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    It's this account , just click on the handle and on the right hand side there will be a message that says "Send this user a private message" where you can send your information over

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