Contacting Tesco bank re DD

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  • IanAnderson's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I am trying to resolve an issue regarding a DD not being taken and a late payment fee added which seems to be a fairly frequent issue for Tesco customers. I have tried phoning the number on the letter but navigating the automated system is near impossible and does not seem to have the option to speak to a human being.
  • 4 Replies

  • IanAnderson's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes

    If you need to speak to a human you have to let the automated system run through the options twice to be given that option.

    If you change your DD from a fixed amount to full amount you have to allow Tesco a full month and make a manual payment. I changed mine on 8/9 after a statement on 6/9 with the payment due to go out on 29/9 which apparently is not sufficient notice. The website says you ‘may’ need to make a manual payment if you change close to the payment date but it didn’t occur to me that 21 days was not long enough. Very poor wording on the website. Tesco have refunded the late payment charge and the note on my credit rating will drop out next month but I have to say that the lack of respect shown to a long standing customer is very disappointing.
  • ConnorM's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @IanAnderson Hi Ian, thanks for getting in touch

    Sorry you've had issues with your DD. Was this just set up recently or have you made any changes to the DD?

    Most options on the customer service number (0345 300 4278) will pass you to speak with an agent. Choosing option 2 and entering your security details then press 0 should get you through to someone. If you have no details to hand, then just press 0 and you will be passed through.
  • IanAnderson's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @ConnorM Thanks for responding, I think your reply and my update were written at the same time.

    What actually happens when you phone the helpline is as follows:

    - You select option 2 for credit cards
    - You are then taken through security checks
    - You listen to 5 options, none of which apply
    - You ignore this and the system repeats them with the additional option of speaking to a human. If you did not know this will happen you might well hang up.
    - When you are eventually connected to a real person you go through the same security checks again so why bother entering them the first time round?

    With regard to changing the DD, yes, I changed it on 8/9 but apparently this is too late for a payment due on or around 29/9.

    I am sorry but the lack of basic professionalism and plain incompetence in system design is not what I would expect.

    Anyway, the situation is resolved now but there will be an adverse marker on my credit score for a while. Fortunately I am not in the process of applying fur credit otherwise this could have been a major problem.
  • ConnorM's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @IanAnderson I am glad to hear matters are resolved but I agree it does not sound like a great experience, and I apologise for that. I can only hope we will do better going forward.

    In terms of the phone line - Once you select Option 2 and enter your security you then need to select 0. It may not recognise this at first but when presented with your options again 0 will be one of them and you will be immediately put through to someone.

    Hopefully this will help next time you need to speak with us.