Post removed - Notification/OTP Issue

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  • etvz's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Why does it appear as if my previous post was removed?
    Credit card notifications no longer received and OTP no longer working.
    New credit card provider it is by the looks of it.
    It's sad as we haven't had any issue for years...and now it's transferring to Barclay...I wonder.
  • 3 Replies

  • ConnorM's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @etvz Hey there, thanks for getting in touch.

    Sorry to hear you've been having a few issues, I'm not sure why any previous posts would be removed.

    The move to Barclays has not had any impact on our systems however we did recently have an issue with Android users not being able to receive notifications or codes. This issue was resolved as of Monday.

    If you are still having this issue, please let us know
  • etvz's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Good day

    My original post read...
    For weeks (2months) we have not received a single notification on transactions made.
    We have 2 credit cards and when an OTP was required we used to get the option of which mobile nr to text it to. This also no longer happens.
    Often when we then have to go to the app to authorise, it has an error and we can't proceed.
    We have iPhone 12 & 14 with up to date iOS 17.7
    All notification setting on phone & app have been checked and reset multiple times with no effect.

    We feel our account is less safe as we don't know what's going on with it.
  • ConnorM's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @etvz Thanks for getting back to me.

    I can understand your concerns, but the account is no less secure, it just sadly means you will have more problems using the card.

    We have had no recent issues reported with Apple devices and everything should be working correctly. Is your app up to date? we have had a few updates release in the last few weeks.

    If it is then I would recommend reinstalling the app as it could be that something has not updated correctly. Before you do this, please ensure you know your Security Number and Password as these will be required to log in again after reinstallation.

    If you are still experiencing these issues after this then please give us a call on 0345 300 4278 (Mon to Fri 8am-8pm. Sat/Sun 8am-6pm), and we can look into things in more detail.