I have been a customer / credit card almost 10 years. Never missed one payment.
I pay a recommended amount by Tesco, an amount in order to clear / keep on top of balance, including the huge interest amounts charged. It is an odd figure that ends in £6.66. Can be seen in my statements throughout.
Well, I am self employed. My wages are received sporadically and at odd times in the month.
When i get paid I like to pay my way, clear bills and keep on top of matters.
My credit card payment is due @ 4th of each month.
I made one "mistake" last month ~ i paid my Tesco credit card "too early" in the month, I did not know that was even possible! Before the "statement" for the next months payment was due. I normally pay around 10th to the 15th ~ I paid on the 9th, one day too keen, too early !!
I pay manually and do not want a direct debit. Yes, i can hear you say it would be so much easier ~ Not for me.
The amount i paid went to the amount owed and not the "statement" amount requested ! So this month I went online, was horrified to see "missed payments" department and charged £12......even though I had paid !!
I phoned in, chap explained I was now in the hands of the missed finances department, i had to pay 2 lots of payments to cover all charges and statements ( even though i had paid as i thought ) and now have a black mark as missed payment ~ why ? BECAUSE I PAID MY BILL ONE DAY TOO SOON !!!
Chap on Tesco phone then quizzed me on my finances, can i pay my utility bills? How many hours do i work ? Have i sought financial advice ? I had paid, i paid again, i paid more and then i paid charges to Tesco for doing nothing wrong apart from paying TOO MUCH TOO SOON !!!!
Not happy.....the joys of credit card use........be careful on the dates you pay people !!