Paying Cash Into My Credit Card Account

  • Trigger74's Avatar
    Hello all, Sorry if I am repeating this question, I had a quick look and could not see it. If I am can someone kindly divert me to the link. Im new to Tesco Bank and have a new credit card, I already have a direct debit set up to pay the monthly requirements but from time to time I like to make cash payments to clear any or some credit on my card. In the past with a card from a bank this was as easy as walking into the bank, popping my card in the reader and handing the money over. With Tesco not being a high street bank I cant just do that. So my question to you is, am I able to pay cash into my credit card account, whether it be via a person to person over the counter transaction or cash machine style at Tesco stores etc? I would like to know to make my life a little easier. Thanks in advance.
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  • AshleighB's Avatar
    Hello @Trigger74

    The ways in which you can pay are listed on the back of your statement, which may not have been produced if you're a new customer with Tesco Bank. We can't accept cash over the counter as payment to your Tesco Bank credit card balance. I have listed below alternative ways in which you can make payment although more information can be found on the reverse of your statement - I hope this helps!

    Paying in at any bank
    • Pay with debit card or cheque at any bank displaying the MasterCard or Visa sign
    • Complete the Bank Giro Credit Slip and take it with your payment and statement
    • The bank will stamp your statement for your records
    • You may have to pay for this service.

    Paying in by Post
    • Complete and return the Bank Giro Credit Slip and your cheque to:
    Tesco Bank Credit Cards, IPSL Camberley, PO Box 1020, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 9LB
    • Cheques should be payable to Tesco Credit Cards and should not be post-dated
    • Write your Tesco Credit Card number on the payee line.