Linking a building society account

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  • W1066's Avatar
    I would like to link my building society account to my Internet Saver account.

    However, the building society account is a company account in the name of the building society. Then, when I transfer money into it, I specify my specific account number (aka roll number) within the building society as the reference. That is:

    Account name: A building society
    Account number: 99887766 (building society's account number)
    Sort code: 01-02-03 (building society's sort code)
    Reference: 123456789 (my account number at the building society aka roll number)

    It seems that this is not possible at Tesco Bank.

    Can anyone confirm or correct and advise how?
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    Mark_TB's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @W1066 Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    With regards to your query, and the specific issue that you state, a colleague would require to speak with you to find the best solution.

    Could we please ask you to contact the following number 0345 678 5678 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm, Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) and the best assistance will be given.

    I hope this helps 😊

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