Loan Question

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  • HB2291's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My other half has applied for a loan with Tesco Bank. It has been approved in principle and he has been asked to send in a copy of his bank statement as an identity check with the signed loan agreement.

    On the loan application they asked for his share of the mortgage which he wrote in there. However, the mortgage payment goes out of his account so the payment to the mortgage company is larger than he declared was his share. I do sent him money to cover my share on the mortgage but if we have something going on (like a family birthday or new tyres on the car etc) it may be that he tells me to send him a little less money to help out.

    Im worried that things won't match up to the application and they are going to decline it without asking the question.

    Any advice, anyone been in this situation before?
    Last edited by HB2291; 20-01-25 at 13:57. Reason: spelling
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