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0% rate on transfers ending 22 months early?

  • Oddworlddan's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I received this email just now from Tesco bank: it looks like it's telling me I will start being charged interest this year? When I took this card out it said it was 0% on balance transfers until March 2027 I think (I took it out in July last year) - I owe quite a bit and really can't afford to be paying interest on top - please can someone clarify this as I'm really confused. Thanks. (This is a 30 month clubcard credit 0% interest transfer card)
    Your 0% rate is ending soon.
    We're getting in touch because your 0% rate on Money Transfers will end in April - this is a quick reminder to help you plan ahead.
    Here's what you need to know
    From 13 April 2025, interest on this balance will be charged at your standard rate. This means your minimum payment could increase.
    You'll see your new minimum payment on your May statement.
    You can find details of your balance(s) on your monthly statement under 'summary of balances'.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh silly me - I didn't notice it said MONEY transfers (which I've never used) on the email - the balance transfers are still fine.

    My apologies
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    Mark_TB's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer


    Thank you for checking and confirming the message, the 0% on and Money Transfers can come to an earlier than the Balance Transfer.

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