Credit Card DDR payment date

  • CJS77777's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Dear team,

    Why is a DDR payment taken a week before the actual due date for payment of the credit card? This means the max interest free period is only 49days and not what is stated in your terms of 56days!

    If a payment is made by bank transfer this can be done 2 days before the due date. Why is a DDR taking longer?

    Other credit cards do not take funds by DDR a week before the due date… why do you?

    thank you
  • 1 Reply

  • Joanne-D's Avatar
    Hey @CJS77777, thanks for getting in touch😀.

    If you have your direct debit set up to collect your full statement balance, we collect this 5 or 6 days before your due date. We advise this on your statement under the account summary box on the first page. If you have your direct debit set up for minimum or fixed amount, we collect this on the due date. The reason for this is due to the amounts usually being higher when we collect the full statement amount. If there are any issues with the direct debit payment this also gives you time to make a manual payment before your due date.

    If you do not want your direct debit to collect 5/6 days before your due date you can cancel your direct debit and make payments manually. I have attached a link below on other payment options.

    How can I pay my Credit Card? - Tesco Bank Community

    I hope this helps.

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