Email inviting to apply for 2nd credit card but was then refused it!

  • Beckyg1985's Avatar
    Can someone explain why I received an email from Tesco bank a while back (May) inviting me to apply for a 2nd credit card as I had been provisionally approved I just needed to confirm my circumstances hadn't changed (which they hadn't) so I followed the link to apply & was rejected! I was told I could re-apply after a month so after a few more months I tried again (today) & I was rejected again! It's infuriating that the invite was sent to me, I didn't enquire about a 2nd card & I then I get refused the credit Tesco were offering me! It's a bit poor in my opinion!
  • 1 Reply

  • MichelleC's Avatar
    Hi ,

    I'm sorry to hear that! Although we do offer you the opportunity to apply for a provisionally accepted card, we do also advise that it's not a guaranteed acceptance. It's unfortunate that you weren't accepted on both occasions, although we're unable to discuss the personal circumstances here, if you give our team a call they can go into some more detail with you about why this was.

    Our team are available on 0345 366 2709 and they’re available Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm and Sat: 9am - 2pm and once you've completed security with them they can go into more detail about the decision with you.

    - Michelle