Serious flaws in website and online service

  • antmanuk's Avatar
    I've been trying to log in / reset password for the past 2 hours and am being sent around in circles.

    The help page describes a "forgotton both password and security" option when you enter in your username. This option doesn't exist. Can you please add it or remove this from the help.

    When requesting to reset password or security number on a machine that isn't recognised, you're asked to "contact us" to request a Temporary Security Number. The contact us link takes you to the generic landing page, where there is no option to reqest a temporary security number. Can you please add this option?

    I've had to create a community profile to talk here, but when trying to send a private message, there is no edit box to type in.

    Also, many people here are saying to send a private message to Tesco-Bank. I don't see any option to send a message to a specific person, only to click on a profile and then send a message, where you get taken to the page that doesn't actually let you type anything.

    These are just some of the serious flaws in the website. I mean, really? Tesco is a huge organisation - and they can't get something this simple to work?

    Can someone please help?

    And if anyone replies "clear your browser cache and try again", I will not be happy...
  • 2 Replies

  • fs2018's Avatar
    i have been sent a temp secutity number but have not asked for it.
  • jayirvine's Avatar
    Hi there

    These can be sent out proactively, have you registered for online banking?


Need some help?