Overdraft application - confused!

  • Topov81's Avatar
    I have two Tesco current accounts recently switched from Halifax. I understand I can only have an overdraft on one of them - that's fine. To keep things simple I'd like an overdraft on Account B. However, when I request one online it's only offering a overdraft on the account that doesn't need one (Account A). For Account B it says we can't do this at this time. It's driving me mad and makes be wish I hadn't switched. There's a bit more to it... when I first applied I wasn't made aware that you could only have one overdraft. So when Account A offered me an overdraft during the application process (£5,000) I said ok but I reduced it to £1,000. Next I setup Account B only to realise it can't have an overdraft - at this point I called Customer Service who confirmed. They suggested I allow both applications to complete, then remove the overdraft from Account A. I've done this and received a confirmation letter. However, when I now request an overdraft on Account B is says no. Ironically if I request one for Account A is says "sure, no problem!". I'm convinced there's some sort of marker on Account A that still indicates it has an overdraft, even if the value has been reduced to zero. I've spoken to various people at Customer Service who repeatedly say the overdraft decision is automated and they can't override it. I understand and worked in Financial Services for many years. The only suggestion was to close Account A and see if that then allows Account B to have the overdraft. They couldn't guarantee this would work and I don't really want the hassle of switching all my DDs to another account with another bank, only to switched them back again. Sorry for the rant but this is so frustrating - as a customer it makes no sense why I'm allowed to have a £5,000 overdraft on one account and nothing on the other - I only want £100. In terms of credit rating I'm fine and have other Tesco Bank products including Internet Savers, ISA and credit cards. HELP!? TL;DR - I want an overdraft on Account B. Tesco will only let me have one on Account A.
  • 2 Replies

  • JohnW's Avatar
    Hi , I'm sorry you've had this trouble getting an overdraft sorted on the correct account, it definitely sounds like a lot of hassle. It might be a timing thing in relation to a marker coming off of Account A that leaves Account B open. It's hard to say exactly without seeing the account myself. Please call our customer services team on 0345 835 3353 (24/7) and my colleagues will investigate this in more detail to see how we can help.
  • Topov81's Avatar
    Thanks for the reply. I've spoken to Customer Services again today and they've offered to pass the case to their assessments team for further review.