Loan application

  • Normski's Avatar
    Hi I returned signed loan application on Saturday but still heard nothing and I've tried calling and been on hold for over 50 minutes each time I've called I've had no choice but to hang up on 4 occasions. Can you advice me of application progress please.
  • 1 Reply

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear that you've not heard back about your loan application. So we can check the current status of your application, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank.

    Please note: don't include the @ symbol when putting in the contact details via private message, just Tesco-Bank.

    In the message explaining your situation, include your name, date of birth and postcode.

    For details like your DOB and postcode we ask for you to format it with additional spaces, i.e. A B 1 2 C D and 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 6, otherwise the information is removed by the system.

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