Cannot access internet banking

  • sroberts88's Avatar
    I have tried logging into my banking on 3 devices, all of which are saying that I need a one time access code from an old mobile number which I no longer have access to.I live in Australia and just wanted to check my balance. I have logged on to internet banking on all 3 devices in the past. I understand you can send a code to my registered address. How do I go about requesting that?I would prefer not to call as the time difference +my working hours make it difficult to call during your opening hours.
  • 1 Reply

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear that you can't get online. So I can arrange for the code to be posted to you, please send a private message to @Tesco-Bank so we can get it reset for you.

    Please note: don't include the @ symbol when putting in the contact details via private message, just Tesco-Bank.

    In the message explaining your situation, include your name, date of birth and postcode.

    For details like your DOB and postcode we ask for you to format it with additional spaces, i.e. A B 1 2 C D and 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 6, otherwise the information is removed by the system.

Need some help?