Late payment and unexpected interest - not happy

  • Sheff71's Avatar
    I missed my £25 minimum payment on 25 September, and only today, 11 October, I have received a Default Sum letter to let me know I'd been fined £12... However it says they can't charge interest for the next 28 I hurriedly checked the online account to see they had already got an extra £8.17 interest charge on what was an interest free account. I accept the £12 as missing the payment date, but it is disgusting that Tesco have been charging me interest for 15 days without first letting me know. I wouldn't have been so annoyed, but on 2 October, when I realised I'd missed the payment (to due mother being in hospital for the last 9 weeks, and this not being a priority) I paid off the full amount owed in my account, £635, and at that point there was no mention online of any default payment or that there may be an interest issue, so I used my card again in good faith, and feel Tesco have acted in an underhanded manner, acting like vultures. So, I have again paid off the outstanding amount, including that interest, and I feel Tesco have made me unable to use their services again as I cannot trust them to act honestly towards their customers... Would it not have been possible to first send out an email on 25th to remind that they haven't received payment yet, rather than just throwing out the charges?
    Very disappointed, especially after getting a charge on Xmas day last year even though I paid it on the day. I do not appreciate having my credit rating ruined, especially when I have always paid as soon as I was aware. Give people a chance, there are often serious events that make us miss these payments.
  • 3 Replies

  • KeiganM's Avatar
    Hi , I'm really sorry to hear this. The interest referred to on the default sum, is relevant to the fee applied, not the entire account balance. We are confirming that we will charge no additional interest on the £12 fee. Your account still remains subject to the terms and conditions where we will apply interest based on the average daily balance of your account until you next pay the account in full and on time. As you've explained the personal circumstances that led to the missed payment, I would recommend discussing this with our Customer Service team, who will be able to assist you. You can call them on 03453004278, available 24/7.
  • W01chris's Avatar
    How do I pay a default sum notice? Is it a separate fee or just out off what you pay each month on online banking.
  • KellyT's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Hi @W01chris, sorry to hear about the default sum. Your minimum payment as indicated on your monthly statement would take into account any interest or fees applied. Therefore, you wouldn't need to make an additional payment. I hope this clarifies things - Kelly