Planned maintenance
To ensure we continue to deliver excellent service to our customers we’re carrying out some planned upgrades to our systems. As a result, Online and Mobile Banking is unavailable to customers from 8pm on Saturday 22nd until approximately 6.30am on Sunday 23rd. For any urgent queries during this time please call our Customer Service department. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Amount not showing as available

  • paulyp's Avatar
    I banked a cheque "over the counter" last Wednesday. Although the amount is showing in my balance, it is still not showing as available. That somewhat blows your 4 days statement out of the water.
  • 2 Replies

  • ScottW's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear that you've had issues with your cheque @paulyp. As soon as we receive notification from the store that a cheque has been deposited, we update your balance straightaway. We then however have to wait for the cheque to arrive at our processing centre before the money fully clears. It sounds like in your case there's been a delay with the cheque and this is why the balance hasn't updated.

    If you call our team on 0345 835 3353, available 24/7, they can check on what's happened and let you know when the money should be available to spend.
  • paulyp's Avatar
    The problem seems always to be the amount of time it takes the store that has received the cheque to post it to the processing centre. Tesco Bank are trying to increase it's customer base. With this in mind and to provide an all round professional service, couldn't someone "from up high," make it mandatory that all stores send cheques to the processing centre the day that they are banked, with the provision that any person who fails to do so will face disciplinary action?

Need some help?