Loan application

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi @marsh4004 once you've completed your online application and signed digitally it can take a further 48hrs for your funds to credit your account. We would normally let you know by text when this is likely to happen, we also don't send out email confirmation when applying for a loan. If you require any more information on this then please give us a call on 03453073425 (Mon-Fri: 8am-10pm and Sat-Sun: 9am-5pm) and my colleagues will help.
  • szabdor6's Avatar
    I tried to apply for the loan and in the end showing me that application has been submitted but sometging went wrong. I called the customer service, where i got an information that my application didn't go through and i need to try again. I've tried 5-6 times, but it was exactly same. Can you please help how can i apply the loan.

  • ScottW's Avatar
    Hi , sorry to hear that you've had issues online. I'm afraid we'd have to ask that you call our Loans team again, as they can look into why you're having this problem. They're available on 0345 600 6016, open 8am - 10pm through the week and 9am - 5pm at the weekend.

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