Credit card contactless with android pay

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  • evilrix's Avatar
    I guess when it comes to Android customers, Tesco has decided that *every little helps* doesn't apply. Your Tesco Pay app is just an unnecessary app that wouldn't be needed if you'd just support Android Pay. That I can only use it in Tesco makes it even more pointless.

    As a long standing Tesco, I'm incredibly disappointed with Tesco's attitude to this. I could understand it if you said it was on your roadmap, but to say you have no plans to support it and not even offer a reasonable explanation as to why (maybe Google take too much of a cut?) is really not acceptable. I really expect more from one of the UK's biggest companies who supposedly prides itself on good customer service.

    I understand those representatives replying to this thread are just the voice of Tesco and not those making the decisions, but given how many potential customers this affects I think it would be a good idea to either find someone who can write a more detailed response here as to why Tesco is ignoring the calls of so many customers or at least provide a formal statement that goes a little further that you having no plans to support it.

    As it stands, the responses to this and all the other threads asking this question are wholly unsatisfactory and, quite frankly, little more than a cop-out. You are alienating a massive chunk of your customer base and we really deserve better than this.

    Thank you.
  • spuddy60's Avatar
    M&S and MBNA can both be used on Google Pay
  • evilrix's Avatar
    At least some companies take Android customers seriously. I only got the Tesco card because the APR was amazing (for that Tesco are to be congratulated), but their complete dismissal of Android customers is unacceptable. Unfortunately, I'm like a dog with a bone and will not let this drop. I've shared this link on all my social media and on all of Tesco's and I suggest others do the same. Tesco are ignoring this because it doesn't have any publicity. If more people know about this the more chance it will affect Tesco's bottom line and the more chance they'll start to reconsider.

    We need to make this have visibility so please share this link. Tesco, if you're reading this and don't like the fact I've suggested this action, just remember that all I'm suggesting is we share a link to your official community where you've provided official response to a legitimate customer query. If you honestly think your handling of this is reasonable, you have nothing to be concerned about and should be more than happy for this thread to receive publicity.

    Thank you.
  • MichelleC's Avatar
    We always take customer feedback on board and we encourage Community users to talk to each other about the Tesco products as the platform is designed for these types of conversations and we value your ideas and suggestions. We will of course feed this back to our Change team for future consideration, although it's not something we're currently looking to launch at the moment that could of course change in the future.

    These threads are visible to the management that run our Community portal and also all of the wider management teams within Tesco Bank and our Change team also review the feedback submitted regularly to review customer demand so please don't think it's not being taken seriously, that's certainly not the case.
  • steve_techy's Avatar
    At Tesco is is even worse than not supporting Android Pay for their Credit Card. The Tesco shops don't accept Android Pay at all for any card above the £30 contactless limit. Disgraceful!!! I had to leave my shopping behind!
  • AinsleyC's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear that! You'd be best to get in touch with Tesco directly regarding this, however a contactless payment is capped at £30 therefore this is likely to be the case in any shop.
  • steve_techy's Avatar
    Not true. A debit card linked to your Android Pay app when used contactless in the App has a much higher limit. The PIN number, or finger authentication allows it to have a higher limit. I have used this in Sainsburys and other supermarkets for weekly shopping. I notice in some Tesco fuel stations there are now warnings against using phone contactless. Must be some motorists have fuelled and found they had no way to pay. It seems short sighted, of Tesco not to take contactless through Android pay, and also short-sighted for Tesco Bank not to allow their credit card to be associated with Android Pay. It kind of means I have to make payments not using Tesco Credit card when I am shopping or dining out. So Tesco Bank lose out on my business. I do sometime use the Tesco App for payments in Tesco. I do though find is slow and inconvenient for several reasons. Which of course makes my look for alternative payment methods.
    1. The scanning of the code is always slow, sometimes taking several goes, holding the phone to minimise reflections etc.
    2. I have to open the phone, open the app and then authenticate the payment. With Android pay this is all done in one go, hold the phone over the device and authenticate with my finger, all done in seconds.
    3. Despite authentication with the in the Tesco app with my finger, every now and again I find I have to login to the app. This means I have to delay the queue while I acquire the password from my password vault and insert that into the app. Why is it asking me to authenticate using this method when I have already authenticated twice (open phone, and authenticate app with finger) already. I now do a trial opening of the app while I am waiting in the queue, in case it wants me to enter my long and unmemorable password. So tedious.
  • CarolineM's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    I’m sorry for the inconvenience this causes you, . I'll certainly feed this back so that we can take Android Pay into consideration in the future - Caroline
  • evilrix's Avatar
    Both Android Pay and Apple Pay allow contactless payments of up to £100 when the phone is unlocked. The PIN or fingerprint used to unlock the phone provides the extra security check to allow this higher limit. It's entirely up to the shop if they will accept this or the standard contactless cap of £30. It seems Tesco is on of the few shops that doesn't accept the higher limit.
  • clcpang13's Avatar
    Well, "having no plans to implement this" is not good enough. There is no reason why you support one platform (iOS) but disregard the other (Android). This simply needs to happen if you consider yourself a proper bank.