Registering for home insurance

  • jimchillin3g's Avatar
    Hi,I've had a policy with Tesco home insurance for over a year, but I've never registered for an insurance account until just now. I've tried to and entered my policy number, name, date of birth and postcode and it takes me to a page that says "to check it's you, we need your mobile or landline number" and asks me to "contact us" to give those details. I can't contact tesco bank because there's no way of doing it online that isn't facebook or twitter, which I don't use. And phoning isn't an option. So I can't register. How can I get round this without phoning or setting up a social media account (which seems a very insecure way of checking anthing!). Cheers
  • 1 Reply

  • ScottW's Avatar
    Hi , thanks for your message. If you send a private message to with your full name, DOB and postcode, we can look into this for you. When you send your details, make sure to add extra spaces between the characters l i k e t h i s