Balance Transfer

  • evansabi06's Avatar
    I have recently recieved my new tesco credit card. During application I requested the balance transfers from other cards. When recieving my tesco card and paper work there was no mention of my balance or transfers from other card etc. Therefore, i requested balance transfers again from the other two cards. Now my balance has been deducted by £1800 rather than £600. meaning double the amount that was orignially requested. The £600 would have paid off my other cards so now they have been overpaid? Will it deny the second request or just be overpaid in the other two accounts? HELP PLEASE
  • 1 Reply

  • ScottW's Avatar
    Hi , thanks for getting in touch and I'm sorry about the confusion. Your account paperwork won't mention any balance or money transfers, but when you log in online you can see the transfer pending to go through. If you've only just made the transfers, call us on 0345 300 4278, available 24/7, and our team may be able to cancel them. Otherwise, you can also contact your other providers and ask them to return the excess amount.