Our New Android App Design

  • sarah_d's Avatar
    Community Manager
    If you’re an Android device user and you’re a regular visitor to our Mobile App then you’ll have no doubt noticed the change to almost every app screen and icon that we’ve introduced with our recent update.

    For some time, we have been rebuilding our Android app to align its design with the rest of Tesco Bank, Tesco apps and the iOS version of our Mobile App that we updated earlier this year. We’re really happy with the result, and we’ve kept everything as clear, crisp and attractive as it can be.

    We hope you’re as pleased with our change as we are and we’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to leave us a reply below.
  • 11 Replies

  • Akiainavas's Avatar
    Great app. Left my previous bank due to realy lousy app...

    Here’s a few suggestions though:

    - In the mobile app, can we see the interest rate of our accounts on the summary screen?

    - Can we choose to see the list of accounts after opening the app instead of always seeing the first account ?

    - Could the list of accounts contain a summary of “you own” and “you owe” showing a value of all our accounts and cards as a sum ?

    - For accounts with annua interest payout - could we see how much interest we already generated, since it’s calculated daily ?

    Those improvements would be amazing and i’m sure they would help all your customers
  • Phil's Avatar
    Looks great but there is no update. Our phones still have the old App. Do you need to release an update in order for us to receive the new design? I would like to see pending transactions and faster payments. With my other bank accounts, when I transfer cash from one to another, it appears almost instantly. With Tesco Bank, it can take hours. Why is that?
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Thanks for letting us know . The Google Play Store can occasionally take some time to update apps for some users. You should be able to see the update within the store and be able to download the new version within the next few days. If not, please let us know.

    I have also passed on your comments and the other above to our app team as feedback.
  • Phil's Avatar
    Thanks, I have the new app now. It's good that it matches with the Tesco branding but it seems to have lost its charm. It's too clinical. Before you have a different colour and graphic for each of the products ie. piggy bank for savings, card for credit card... It would be nice to differentiate the accounts by either colour or an image as before. Thanks.
  • frostyboy's Avatar
    Unless I'm missing something I can no longer find a way to make an exact payment.I used to have a choice of £5, £10 etc and also to type my own value. This seems to have disappeared.If I want to make a payment of £7.36 how do I do it?edit....I now notice that even though I am in 'Make a payment' section, I am asked 'how much I want to move'
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear that. So I can look into this further can you send a message to with details of what account you're using and screenshots if possible? - Ross
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , can I help you at all? Your last post doesn't seem to have came through.
  • wcevans1978's Avatar
    Eagle eye
    Like many people have mentioned the thing I most look for when using mobile/internet banking is :- 1) Pending Transaction (debit card transactions showing company name and amount and date). The worst I have seen is Nationwide as all it shows is Visa Debit and an Amount. All other banks show eg. Tesco Harlow £33.362) Debit Card Controls (allows you order new cards, stop lost of stolen, request new pin)3) Cancel Direct Debits4) Facility to alter Standing Order Amounts (can only view at present) All good features the one I want to see the most is No 1 (via Mobile App and Website) it lets you down as all other banks have it.