Direct Debit question

  • Elfie's Avatar
    My direct debit payment is usually taken on the last day of the month or the first day of the next month. It is now 3rd October and my DD payment has not been taken. I see that my statement payment date shows 7th October. Why has this been changed??? Can anyone tell me???
  • 2 Replies

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    AinsleyC's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    Hi , we have changed your payment due date from 20 days to 25 days after your statement produces, this is why your direct debit hasn't collected as of yet. This will collect as normal just 5 days later. We sent out a Notice of Variation in April 2018 advising of this change, this would have been sent to you when you received your statement for the month of April. We also sent a reminder of this with your August statement. If you have paperless statements, this was attached to the email we sent to you. This has been changed to give customers an extra 5 days to make their payment. I hope this helps
  • Elfie's Avatar
    Well that's a relief! Thank you for replying. I obviously missed all the emails and messages about it. If I was told about it in April then I most certainly would have forgotten about it by October! :D

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