I wanted to download Credit card transactions up to a year old into Excel so I could manipulate them to analyse spending by category. Unfortunately only 3 months worth of transactions can be easily downloaded. Looking at prevoius posts it seems that lots of people have wanted to do a similar thing. I found a way of doing it so am posting it here in case it is helpful. (I am not very techy so it may not be the quickest but it worked for me!) 1. Log in to Tesco bank online2 Click on your Credit Card3. Top right click the 'More' drop down list4. Click 'manage account'. 5. Click 'Online Statements' on the left. Here you can see a list of old statements and if you go into any of the first 3 months statements you can download the transactions. If you want more than that...6. Click 'View more Statements' and you will get statements going back around 12 mths.7. You have to have Adobe Acrobat Reader for the next bit.... If you have it, ignore this paragraph and go to [8]. I didn't have it but downloaded it from the link provded by Tescobank at the bottom of this page. It took about 5 mins to sort that out. You only need the free version.8. Click on the old statement you want the trnsactions from.9. A pop up will automatically give you the option to open in Adobe Acrobat. Click that option.10. You then save this as a pdf on your computer. Top left click 'File' then 'Save As' and choose what to call it and where to put it.11. Open the Saved Pdf from your computer12. Select the lines of transactions that you want to analyse. Click copy13. Open excel and put your cursor where you want the data to go. Right click and select Paste14. The first time I did this each transaction was on a separate line as required but all the data was squashed into one column. To solve this just select the all the cells with your transaction data, then select 'Data' from the tabs at the top of the page in Excel, then select 'Text to columns'.15. In the pop-up select 'Delimited' then 'Next'16. On the next screen select 'Space' (NOT TAB) then 'Next'17. All the elements - date, tranaaction description, amount etc - are now all in one row across several columns. Most will be lined up properly but for a few I needed to move the amount across a cell to get them all lined up but that was only a bit of effort and definitely worth it!.18. Interestingly when I did the next month's statement I was able to copy from the pdf into Excel and it automatically split the transactioninfo across several columns. Maybe it learnt what it needed to do??!! There may be better ways but that is what I did and now I can easily analyse and subtotal my information for the 12 previous months. Hope this is helpful to others!