EasyJet cancelled flight

  • MrsMerton's Avatar
    I booked a flight to Seville for May 11th 2020 and it has since been cancelled. I have received e-mails from Easyjet advising I can reschedule the flights at no extra cost. I have tried multiple times and either get a message saying all the seats are already booked or there was an error try again later. Can I get the £419.92 I paid back through my Tesco credit card?
  • 7 Replies

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    RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Verified Answer
    Hi , You can do this by sending us an email to [email protected] by including your invoice, as much detail as you can, your personal and account details. My colleagues can then raise this as a dispute for you and will be in touch as soon as they can to provide an update on this. Please be aware that they are dealing with a larger than usual volume of claims at the moment.
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Morning MrsMerton,I too have an Easyjet flight booked, its for 15th April. To date they have not cancelled my flight yet!!!You can ask Easyjet for a full refund as an alternative to rescheduling your flight.
  • MrsMerton's Avatar
    Thanks, when we looked at the Easyjet site is said you can get a refund within 24 hours of making the booking subject to a cancellation charge. The other problem is actually getting in touch with Easyjet - the live chat is either rammed or off line and they wont take a call unless your flight is withing 48 hours.Someone else has said they have tried changing a booking to February 2021 and all the seats are booked. But if they started a booking from scratch it was fine.
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Hi, You need to have Easyjet cancel your booking then they have to offer you a refund or change of booking for free but of course if your new flights are more expensive you will have to pay the difference.I empathise with you trying to get in touch with them.My flight is in 3 weeks time and Easyjet have not cancelled it yet, kinfact they're still taking bookings on it!! Once THEY cancel then I will have gthe choice to rebook or get a refund but my coach to the airport has been cancelled by the coach company.DO NOT cancel the flight yourself as you will have no flight and no refund of your monies.My flight is certain to be cancelled but while Easyjet have not cancelled it they've got our money.
  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , is right and you should be attempting to obtain a refund from the retailer. However, get in touch should you need assistance.
  • JP57's Avatar
    I am having the same issue. I have been notified that my flight is cancelled but there is nowhere on the manage booking screen to request a refund. I do not want to rebook my flight. Hiw should I get in touch with you for the refund to be made via my credit card, I have been on the phone to your customer service desk for 45 mins before I was cut off. Can I do thi by email or is there an electronic claim form I could use please.thank you
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    My flight is classed as full so I know Easyjet have effectively cancelled it, but why haven't they?Because when they do THEY have to give me the option to either have a refund or rebook another flight. They will want me to rebook with them so they do not have to give me a refund.When they do email me to let me know my flight has been cancelled then they have to start the process and give me the option but until then they've got my money as well as everyone else's. I think it'll be another 2 weeks before I get the email.I know other's who booked flights for early March who have received the email and asked for a refund but are still waiting for their money back.I think this is going to be a long waiting game!!!!