Fly Be Update?????

  • Gavsta88's Avatar
    Hi, Like many others i have been patiently waiting for the money back from our FlyBe trip that has been cancelled. After hearing that Barclaycard has refunded its customers, in full, within days of the collapse...what is happening in Tesco Bank!? This was before Covid really took hold in the UK so i dont understand how it is taking so long for the money to be given back to us.
    We are going through tough times with Covid-19, so surely you should be freeing up the cash and giving it back to its customers, who are in desperate need of the money, not for Tesco to enjoy the interest coming from it all. No update other than a text message to say refund confirmed, but no estimation at all on when we can expect to receive anything
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    Tesco-Bank's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    Hi@Gavsta88, I'm sorry about this. Due to the unprecedented number of claims we've received, we don't have a definitive timescale for you at the moment I’m afraid. We have a reduced staff due to the ongoing situation and this has increased wait times, but we are working as hard as we can. However, as soon as your claim has been processed, we'll let you know. Thanks for your patience at this difficult time - Chris