• JEAN512's Avatar
    Hi, in March we paid for a Cruise (departing June) using our Tesco Credit Card. The cruise was cancelled by the operator several weeks ago and we agreed to accept 50% refund and balance transferred to a new cruise booking. We have not received the 50% refund and despite several messages from the travel agent and the operator, latest beginning June, advising our claim is being tagged, we have received nothing. How long should we wait before making a claim under Section 75? Many thanks
  • 2 Replies

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    CSKBrambles's Avatar
    Above and beyond
    Verified Answer
    !I'm very sorry to hear about this issue, and hope that i can help you.It's quite a tricky one, as the operator has already agreed the 50% refund with you. However you are entitled to claim under section 75, once 15 working days have elapsed without resolution. To progress matters i would ask you to proceed as follows :-Please send Tesco Bank a 'Private Message', they will check this out for you and provide you with an appropriate response.If you click on this link @Tesco-Bank it will take you to a page 'About Tesco Bank'.In the top right of the page click 'send a message', a new page opens up 'Create New Message'. Complete & send your message securely.Please remember to include your full name, date of birth & post code.Hope this helps! Best Wishes
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Hi I'm very sorry to hear this.You can find information about the steps to take here: there is a secure way to send Tesco Bank a message from here.
    You could send Tesco Bank a 'Private Message', I'm sure someone would be only too happy to check this out for you.Click on this link and it will take you to a page 'About Tesco-Bank'. In the top right of the page click 'Send a message', a new page opens up, 'Create New Message'. Complete it and send your message securely. Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode. Hope this helps and you get this sorted!Take care. 25H