Just received my credit card annual statement. As I always pay the monthly balance in full, I wondered why the amount I have paid back is greater than the amount I have spent?

  • StephenH's Avatar
    Hi ,

    Thanks for your contribution to The Community.

    The reason it looks like you have paid more towards your Credit Card over the course of the year is that between the start date and the end date on the annual statement, the amount of Credits and Debits are calculated. Due to the nature of your Credit Card account the bill is always paid in arrears.

    This means that, for example, if your statement date is 8th of the month your annual statement will run from 8th July 2014 to 7th July 2015. This will include all credits from the July 2014 statement up to all the last full statement produced in June 2015. It will include all the payments made towards the statements from July 2014 up to and including the June 2015 statement.

    If you check your statement, the difference in Credits and Debits, should be the amount between the two end statements i.e. the first and last within the annual statement date.

    If you have any further queries please search for an open thread or if none applicable please start a new thread like you have done here and we'll get an answer for you.

    Alternatively, you can call our Customer Service team on 0345 300 4278 (opened 24/7).

    Kind regards,
    Stephen - Customer Care
  • Malcolm11's Avatar
    Icannot see why the total spent, £10,085.46 and the amount paid back is £10,329.15, a total of £249.69.Please clarify.