WARNING: Do not use a Tesco credit card.....

  • Purrfecttune's Avatar
    Eagle eye
    ....for major purchases or online purchases. The main reason for purchasing with a credit card is for the financial protection it offers. i.e Section 75. Tesco currently state that because of COVID the process is ‘taking SIX weeks to resolve’. In the early days, this would be understandable and even acceptable, however, Tesco have now had four months to improve on this but are still saying that claims are taking SIX weeks to resolve. Worse than this, their statement is actually false as these forums demonstrate, with people waiting MONTHS without so much as an update. My claim is into its 11th week. Consequently, I do not dare to risk using my Tesco credit card for major purchases or online purchases any more as the Section 75 cover is completely ineffective if I cannot get my money back for months should I have to make further claims against any kind of purchase. Tesco Bank are a THIRD PARTY PROVIDER, hence the fact that they cannot (or are unwilling to) provide a full and professional service to meet their financial obligations.

    I have spoken with my other credit card providers, namely; Santander, Halifax and NatWest, who being direct, FULL SERVICE BANKS, have advised me that any claims are currently taking between TWO - FOUR WEEKS (not six weeks and certainly not months). Many (proper) banks are also assisting their customers, such as providing £500 FREE overdrafts until the end of August without the customer even having to ask. Many companies in the service industry are addressing delays by re-deploying or hiring additional staff.What help exactly is Tesco offering apart from lack of information, delays and anxiety? Oh, and removing ALL interest from their current accounts from September. Lesson learned, back to a proper bank for me
  • 6 Replies

  • KevinC's Avatar
    Hi , thanks for that message. I can completely understand your frustration at the time it is taking to address your dispute and can only apologise for this. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 situation, it is taking much longer than normal for us to complete disputes for customers. All I can ask is that you bear with us and allow us to resolve your dispute. We are also offering an extension to the overdraft service, in line with FCA guidance - Kevin
  • Purrfecttune's Avatar
    Eagle eye
    Hi Kevin Thanks for the message, however, it is still no excuse for such a long delay when proper banks (not third party providers such as Tesco) are far more efficient and expedient. As per my post, I do not want to use a credit card where there is the ongoing potential of many months delay if I need to utilise the financial protection of Section 75.
  • KevinC's Avatar
    I totally understand that. Are you able to send us a private message to Tesco-Bank so that I can look into your claim for you? - Kevin
  • Purrfecttune's Avatar
    Eagle eye
    Thanks for the offer Kevin but I will decline on the basis that I have not only previously sent private messages regarding this matter but have also spoken regularly on the phone to customer services and lodged an official complaint. Despite all of this, and with the complaint now concluded with the added advice that I should contact the Financial Ombudsman if I am not happy with the result, Tesco are still UNABLE or UNWILLING to give any update or status regarding my claim. In other words, Tesco are saying that the length of time to process Section 75 claims is ‘infinity and beyond’! Absolutely appalling, unprofessional and unacceptable.
  • Missauk's Avatar
    Just looking
    I feel your pain, I am in week 10 and have had repeated assurance someone will contact me, but so far nothing....
  • malctalk's Avatar
    On the look out
    Think I’m on 14 weeks now total shambles.....been told it will take another 4