Tescobank email auto response not functioning? Is this deliberate?

  • JEBD's Avatar
    Just looking
    I had a conversation with a member of the disputes team earlier today in regard to a long outstanding Covid related claim from June which was entirely unsatisfactory. I sent Information Removed an email voicing my dissatisfaction and had no auto response to acknowledge my email. I have now sent a further 5 (five) copies of the same email and none of them have received an auto response. Exactly the same thing happened back in August and the woman on the disputes team said that my email from August wasn't showing on my records. How convenient for Tescobank when that email had a letter attached making a Section 75 claim. There was no kick back at my end or any message that the email hadn't been delivered. From reading other posts this is an ongoing fault that Tescobank have failed to rectify. How difficult is it for an organisation such as Tesco to have a fully functional and reliable email auto response? It simply beggars belief.
  • 21 Replies

  • Verified Answer

    25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Verified Answer
    I'm really sorry to hear of the difficulties you've been experiencing.
    I suggest you send Tesco Bank a 'Private Message' so an appropriate response can be provided.

    Click on this link and it will take you to a page, 'About Tesco Bank'.

    Towards the top right of the page in the blue panel click onto 'Send a Message'.

    A new page will open up, 'Create New Message'.

    Complete it, send your message securely and privately.

    Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode along with your message.

    You will get a reply to your message.

    Warm wishes, Caz

  • Verified Answer

    CSKBrambles's Avatar
    Above and beyond
    Verified Answer
    Something’s not quite right, but there’s nothing deliberate I’m certain .
    Please send Tesco Bank a 'Private Message' so that confirmation can be provided.
    Click on this link and it will take you to a page, 'About Tesco Bank'.
    Towards the top right of the page in the blue panel click onto 'Send a Message'.
    A new page will open up, 'Create New Message'.
    Complete it, send your message securely and privately.
    Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode along with your message.
    You will receive a reply to your private message.
    Re, Chris,
  • Tesco-Bank's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    That's exactly correct. Thank you very much for taking time to respond and help today - Saqib
  • JEBD's Avatar
    Just looking
    Hi,I guess that Tesco have now removed that option as I have been to the link that you provided and there is no option to "Send a message" in or near the Blue panel.
  • JEBD's Avatar
    Just looking
    Hello again,When you say the Blue panel are you referring to the small blue circle with a head on it and then go to messages within the dropdown? If so then who am I sending the message to? If I type in Tescobank I get a number of subscribers to choose from.
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    When you click on this link @Tesco-Bank there's a blue rectangle panel and on the right in the blue panel click onto 'Send a message'.
    When you do this a new page will open up called, 'Create New Message'.The 'send to' is already populated to Tesco Bank and there is also the 'Tesco Bank' logo so you know its them.

    Complete the subject and there's a space for your message too, send your message securely and privately.
    Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode along with your message.
    Hope this is clearer.
    Do come back to me if you require more assistance.
  • JEBD's Avatar
    Just looking
    Hi Caz, All I can see by way of a blue box is the Feedback. Can you screenshot what you are looking at as I can't see it on my screen. There's no Send a message. Thanks
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Hi It will not allow me to post a screenshot on here.An alternative, click on your picture on the right.Then on the left is PRIVATE MESSAGES and a small oval in dark blue.Click on the oval and a new page opens up.Type in the 'Send-to box' tesco-bank, (ensure you put the - inbetween) what comes up is Tesco Bank The Community Expert, click on that so it goes into your send to. You'll know its Tesco Bank as the logo's there.Then complete the rest of the new message.Hope this helps, do let me know how you got on.Caz
  • JEBD's Avatar
    Just looking
    Found the Send a message, typed it all out, hit send and nothing happens. Message just sits there, no sign of it being sent and it doesn't appear in my sent messages.

Need some help?