Old account - Current Status

  • njlaverty's Avatar
    I haven't lived in the UK or had a UK mobile number in over 4 years yet my account still appears to be open (received an email informing me about the end of extended overdrafts)

    I can't login (no OTP as i don't have the phone number anymore) so I can't check a) why it's still open and b) if there are any arrears affecting my credit score.

    What are my options as an Expat living and earning abroad?
  • 3 Replies

  • CSKBrambles's Avatar
    Above and beyond
    I suggest that you send Tesco Bank a 'Private Message’ to check this out and provide you with an appropriate response.
    Please click on this link and it will take you to a page, 'About Tesco Bank'.
    In the top right of the page click onto 'Send a Message'.
    A new page will open up, 'Create New Message'.
    Complete it and send your message securely.
    Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode.
    You will receive a reply to your private message.
    Kind regards, Chris,
  • 25H's Avatar
    Community superstar
    Hi The best thing for you to do is to get Tesco Bank to check this out for you.Send them a 'Private Message’ and they'll provide you with an appropriate response.
    Please click on this link @Tesco-Bank and it will take you to a page, 'About Tesco Bank'.
    In the top right of the page click onto 'Send a Message'.
    A new page will open up, 'Create New Message'.
    Complete it and send your message securely.
    Please include your full name, date of birth and postcode relating to your account as well as details.
    You will receive a reply to your private message.Warm wishes, Caz
  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Hey , thanks for getting in touch. Please follow the instructions outlined above by and , and we'll see if we can help here

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