Have to close my account and get rid of cards because all tesco cards are contactless--why

  • AConsumer's Avatar
    What a strange and unnecessary question . The meaning of my post should be abundantly clear to anyone, who is moderately intelligent and can read English text.
  • ScottW's Avatar
    I'm sorry that my response has upset you @AConsumer. My question was aimed at finding out if there's a reason for you being unhappy with the cards other than the fact we now provide them as standard. We ask for this so that when we pass on your comments, we're providing your exact opinion. The more information we pass on to our teams, the more likely change will happen.

    I would like to remind you that the Community is a place where we talk to each other with respect and patience.
  • AConsumer's Avatar
    Your first response did not upset me . But your latest post has indeed ruffled my feathers. It is impertinent of you to suggest that my post, which was in response to your unnecessary (because my previous post had given the reason for my dislike of Tesco's issuing of cards, of which the contactless payment function is a mandatory feature) question, was disrespectful or impatient.
    In a spirit of goodwill at this festive time of year, I shall be charitable and put your inappropriate responses to my posts down to overwork.
    I do not expect or want you to respond to this post.
  • Unifier's Avatar
    Window shopper
    I would imagine that it is the concern that if the card is lost, it can be used as a contactless card by anyone who finds it? wrote:
    I'm sorry to hear that . Can I ask what it is about the cards that you don't like?
  • ScottW's Avatar
    I totally understand that concern, but like all fraudulent transactions, your card would be covered and there would be no additional costs. While contactless fraud is a concern, it's equally as likely that someone may try to use a lost card online or over the telephone. We offer the same level of protection no matter how the card is used, and we've even updated our mobile app so that any lost cards can be blocked immediately, without the need to call first.

    I'll make sure to pass on your comments though, as we're always looking to improve our services.
  • MagM's Avatar
    I wonder just how many customers are demanding these? I certainly haven't! Tesco should acknowledge non-demands for these too!
  • eMc1's Avatar
    Have had a card "lifted", albeit it did not cost me any money ? but I was locked out of my bank account for 3 weeks and had to borrow to live
  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    OK SW - I'll give you reasons ........ I dropped my Tesco CC outside a Tesco store.Within 15 minutes it had been used twice......... but I only discovered because within an hour I went home and happened to log on.How many more transactions might have gone through if I had taken a week to check ??? A PIN card would almost certainly NOT have been breached so quickly. Contactless is like passing round an open wallet.! These UNSAFE cards are madness ! I had to call Tesco Bank 3 times - and obviously each time involved security checks.Nearly 30 minutes on the phone plus all the "thinking" time in between.Is that a good trade-off for for the 2 to 3 seconds saved with Contactless?????? These UNSAFE cards are madness - and should only be available to those (fools?) who choose them.Thankfully, Nationwide, NatWest/RBS, Lloyds/Halifax still give Customers a CHOICE.
  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    ...... and another thing.... I had to wait for 2 weeks for a new card.More "convenience" from Contactless ????????
  • ScottW's Avatar
    I completely understand , and you're right that if the card didn't have contactless, they may not have tried to use the card in a store.

    From personal experience, and from my time working on the phones in our Credit Card team, fraud committed with lost cards can happen in many different ways, and if someone finds your card and wants to abuse it, they will try it in stores, online or even over the phone. While in this case your card was used in the store, if it had been picked up and used online, the contactless wouldn't have been an issue. This is why we cover all fraudulent transactions, no matter how the card is used. We do pass on all the feedback from customers on Community regarding the cards we offer, but while we see a lot of comments on here about offering non-contactless cards, the overwhelming demand for contactless was what led us to make the decision to move our cards over.

    If anything changes though, we'll let you know on our News pages.