Loan Eligibility

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  • Ammunisie's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    When completing the loan eligibility, I get the result that I am eligible with a 90% approval rating even though I have not lived in the UK for the last three years. When I go to apply for that, I am faced with a dilemma as it seems the page that follows requires me to flag having lived in the UK for the last 3 years as true, I cannot remove or untick that option.

    My question is, how is it that the eligibility calculator still flags it as eligible with good chance of approval if I cannot even move on to actually applying for the loan?
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  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Ammunisie Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    We ask you to confirm that you've been a UK resident for at least 3 years before we give an eligibility rating. If you've clicked 'yes' that you tick all the boxes outlined then you've stated that you've been here 3 years.

    As you haven't been here for 3 years, you wouldn't be eligible for a loan with us, I'm afraid.

    I hope this clarifies things for you.

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