Car insurance renewal docs

  • PT2's Avatar
    For the umpteenth time I have tried but cannot view my car insurance renewal docs on your web portal. My insurance is due for renewal on 6th Jan and the renewal docs are not there to view when I login. Also as I have mentioned numerous times when I phoned in to request access to these docs via the web portal, there is an error in the statement of fact relating to my current insurance policy shown on the web portal. The answer to the question about informing the DVLA should be YES, not the NO as shown on the doc in the portal - the correct YES response features in the paper docs I received back in January 2017. From several telecon discussions with your staff I understand that this is a known error with your new system which no-one seems to be capable of correcting. Please make the renewal docs available for me to view on the web portal and correct the DVLA question response to YES on both the existing policy docs and the renewal docs.
  • 3 Replies

  • RossM's Avatar
    Former Community Manager
    Hi , I'm sorry to hear that. I believe that you've already contacted us via Social Media and we've responded to you on there.
  • PT2's Avatar
    A response, yes, but not a helpful one. How do I send you my private details privately? I have already sent a messenger message to Tesco from the facebook page but got no response to that.
  • AshleighB's Avatar
    We're super busy across all channels at the moment , so apologies you're still awaiting a response. You can send a private message on here via our account which we'll do our best to respond to within 24hrs.