loan status

  • Danjenx1987's Avatar
    Hi can you help me. I applied for a loan last night and the status said that I was accepted. I accepted terms and conditions etc. I was given no option to sign online. The internet connection went and the message said contact us for progress of application status? What does this mean? Do I have to wait for paperwork to be sent to my address to sign? Thank you
  • 1 Reply

  • AshleighB's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you've had, . It's possible your application has been received and that we're in the process of sending documentation for you to sign and return. However, to be sure of this I'd suggest you get in touch privately using our account or by giving us a call. If sending a private message then we'll need your full name, DOB and postcode confirmed to locate the application. Please ensure you send your details in the format shown below, and we'll look into this for you :)

    A B 1 2 C D
    0 2 0 4 2 0 1 8

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