Direct debit doesn't work for credit card

  • Diana111111's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Good afternoon. It's the second time my direct debit doesn't work for monthly payments to my tesco credit card, although I successfully linked another card for direct debit payments.
    I've already contacted support the other bank which card I linked to direct debit - they are saying everything is ok on their side, tesco bank is missing some details for my direct debit transactions that's why they are not occurring. How can i solve this problem and ensure further monthly payments will be made on time?
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Diana111111 Hey there, thanks for getting in touch. Did they say what details were missing? This would usually be flagged when you initially set up the instruction, and you wouldn't be able to proceed without filling in all the required information and we had verified they were correct. In any case, it's probably best to call us for this so the Credit Card team can check over everything. You can reach them on 0345 300 4278 (Mon - Fri: 8am to 9pm, Sat - Sun: 8am - 6pm) and they'll be happy to help. I hope you get it all sorted.

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