No claims bonus help

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  • JenniferLWarm's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes

    I have an issue with my no claims bonus details. I was advised when my insurance started in September 2023 that my details were not correct so i had to call to correct. They advised me that my previous insurers must have not had the correct details either, not sure where i went wrong if this is my fault but im trying to work out how to rectify it. I was advised if i can get corrected details from my previous insurers i can update my current policy to show the right number of years of the NCB.
    I am having difficulty getting any previous insurer to correct the details as they advise they cannot do anything once a policy has ended. So i am unsure as to how to i can get all this correct for this policy with Tesco.
    I have made no claims since i got my car in September 2019 im not sure if i have been answering questions incorrectly or i have mis understood questions.

    First insurer- Admiral they show my NCB to be 2 years which is correct as i was with them 2019-2021 - so this is fine

    After that is Esure 2021-2022 - they show that i have 1 year NCB which is incorrect (should be 3)

    After that is Hastings 2022-2023 - they show as 2 years NCB which is incorrect ( should be now 4)

    Tesco advised my NCB i uploaded was 1 year which i dont know how that can be.
    Im very confused and dont know where to begin with amending it all.

    Would Tesco take all my collective NCB's as proof that i havent made a claim at all during my period with each insurer?


  • 3 Replies

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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @JenniferLWarm Hey there, thanks for getting in touch! I can imagine how frustrating it must be trying get this sorted.

    We are only able to accept proof of NCD from your previous insurer, I'm afraid. This means we need to note the policy based on what they have provided (in terms of number of years claim free). We aren't able to accept documents from several insurers as accumulative proof.

    Based on what you've said above, the issue started when esure provided you with an incorrect NCD certificate. This means that you will need to speak to them and ask them to update your file properly. They will have a process to correct mistakes they've made. It might be worth raising an official complaint with them to ensure it is escalated through the proper channels.

    If you have any further questions, please let me know.

    I hope you get it all sorted.

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  • JenniferLWarm's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @JenniferLWarm Hey there, thanks for getting in touch! I can imagine how frustrating it must be trying get this sorted.

    We are only able to accept proof of NCD from your previous insurer, I'm afraid. This means we need to note the policy based on what they have provided (in terms of number of years claim free). We aren't able to accept documents from several insurers as accumulative proof.

    Based on what you've said above, the issue started when esure provided you with an incorrect NCD certificate. This means that you will need to speak to them and ask them to update your file properly. They will have a process to correct mistakes they've made. It might be worth raising an official complaint with them to ensure it is escalated through the proper channels.

    If you have any further questions, please let me know.

    I hope you get it all sorted.

    Hi, Esure wont do anything about it they said once a policy has ended they cant change it or do any sort of amendent.
    My previous insurer before Tesco the NCB says 2 years, i dont know how my Tesco one only says 1 year. im lost at what to do now
  • CarolineD's Avatar
    @JenniferLWarm I'm sorry to hear this. If you can please give our team a call on 0345 246 2895 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm, Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) one of my colleagues will be able to investigate this further for you.