Deactivate contactless on debit / credit card

  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    May I ask why you'd like non-contactless versions of your cards? I'm keen to stress that any fraudulent transactions carried out are capped at up to £30,Some months ago, I dropped my Tesco CC outside a Tesco's storeWithin 15 minutes the CC had been used twice - each for amounts under £30. If I had dropped a non-Contactless theft could not have happened so quickly with a PIN only card. In what universe do banks force unsafe plastic on customers?????Contactless is like handing over an open wallet with sections containing £30 in each??? Fortunately, I got home and checked on-line within an hour - saw the fraudulent transactions.But it still took two phone calls, lengthy security and a wait of several days for a new card.A PIN card might have been handed in to the store's Customer Services - much less hassle to retrieve. I like the suggestion that a dotted line could mark a safe place to cut the Contactless feature.Please give Customers a CHOICE !!!
  • ScottW's Avatar
    I completely understand your position and I'll make sure to pass on your comments. In terms of the fraudulent transactions, was the money refunded back into the credit card account?

    We are aware that some customers feel more vulnerable with cards that have contactless functionality, but in a case where a card is dropped and found, it's equally likely that someone could use the card online or try to use it over the phone. This is why we protect all transactions and refund all fraudulent activity, no matter how the card is used.
  • Chesterchappie's Avatar
    But, Tesco you DON'T LISTEN to your customers. You have just FORCED me to have contactless CC a year on from the start of this thread!!
  • Chesterchappie's Avatar
    But, Tesco you DON'T LISTEN to your customers. You have just FORCED me to have contactless CC a year on from the start of this thread!!
    Why aren't you listening???
  • ScottW's Avatar
    I'm really sorry to read about how disappointed you are . We do pass on all the comments and feedback we get about our products, and I'm sorry that you feel that we aren't listening. As a business, we keep trying to offer the services that our customers ask for, and we received a lot of demand from customers asking for contactless cards as they became a standard throughout the industry. How we protect our accounts hasn't changed, and if your card is used fraudulently, either online or in a store, your money will still be safe.
  • EEK's Avatar
    Same for us-- both our Tesco Purchases credit cards arrived ----- ! "contactless",which we don't want. Rang Tesco --- they only supply these contactless ones so I cut off the corner of mine---- it breaks the " contactless" feature, but still enables " chip and pin" in the store . I am happy, but hubby wants it disabled " unnoticeably" --- as he did not like the corner cut off his and sent for a new one ! Is there an "unnoticeable" way to disable his , as he is very careless about security----before we are scammed out of house and home ??!!PS----I have not tried any of our " disabled" cards in an ATM yet and would love to know if it will work , or will it swallow them?
  • Anon-a-mouse's Avatar
    it would help if you guys would be honest about the risk.. The limit is £30 PER TRANSACTION, UNTIL WE DISCOVER THE ISSUE AND NOTIFY THE BANK. The risk is NOT capped at £30. As both a customer and shareholder, I am angry that you do not provide customers with the choice, as there is a true risk to this technology..Whose life is so important that they cant afford the few seconds it takes to enter their PIN for each transaction? If they want to do that, fine.. it should be their choice. Just as it should be my choice if i chose not to. Having just received my replacement credit card, which is contactless, I will be closing my account. I want a complaint registered as a customer. I will also be writing in as a shareholder to complain. regards
  • CarolineM's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Hello , I'm sorry to hear you're looking to raise a complaint. If you could please private message me with your full name, DOB and postcode, I'll be able to raise this for you. Alternatively, you can call us on 0345 300 4278 (24/7) or write to us at Tesco Bank, PO Box 27028, Glasgow, G2 9FT.
  • nilocp's Avatar
    I have just received my new card and it is contactless. I do not want contactless and will not use this card until Tesco supply a non contactless card.I too have other credit cards and only use tesco to collect Club points. Tesco, are you listening?
  • CarolineM's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Hello , thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid we no longer offer non-contactless cards so we are unable to send this for you .I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you - Caroline