Premium increased due to claim on my policy - listed as my fault but wasn't

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  • Matthague's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    As the title says my renewal has increased (as it seems everyone's has) however my car was written off when someone drove into it one night when it was parked and not in use.

    As my car was parked, it moved when the driver at fault drove into it, causing some damage to another car parked further down the street.This has caused my renewal to increase further.

    I've called the renewal team who have said that as the claim is still open, (they've written off my car and paid me for this but are still chasing my excess from the driver at fault), it shows as my fault until they can get the other driver to be responsible.

    This happend in April so I'm not expecting it to be sorted soon, however my renewal is this month and I'd like to get the strike against me removed so my renewal would be a little cheaper, or if i go elsewhere its with a clean record and not hanging over my policy. I'm going to contact the claim team however I'd think if they closed the claim I'd not get my excess back.

    Has someone had this happen to them that can advise me of a way I can fix this?

  • 2 Replies

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @Matthague Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Any claim will be reported as fault until settled otherwise, I'm afraid. If the Claims team are able to recover the repair costs from the third party's insurer then it will be settled as non-fault.

    I appreciate how frustrating this is, however it will have to be noted on your record as fault for now and won't be able to be removed for your upcoming renewal. If you speak to the Claims team they should be able to give you an idea on timescales on when they expect to settle the claim.

    I hope it's not too much longer now and I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.

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  • Matthague's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @Matthague Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Any claim will be reported as fault until settled otherwise, I'm afraid. If the Claims team are able to recover the repair costs from the third party's insurer then it will be settled as non-fault.

    I appreciate how frustrating this is, however it will have to be noted on your record as fault for now and won't be able to be removed for your upcoming renewal. If you speak to the Claims team they should be able to give you an idea on timescales on when they expect to settle the claim.

    I hope it's not too much longer now and I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.
    Hi Christopher.
    thanks for replying.

    Claims team have said that they can't close it until the payment theyve made for the written off car is made.

    She couldn't give me a timeframe for this - she did say that if it went on too long that they've instruct solicitors, but again didn't know how long it'd be before this occurs and as its into month 9 now and they've not considered this.. I'm not hopeful it'd be soon. She didn't mention a no-fault decision.

    She did say that once the claim was settled there would be a recalculation and I'd be eligible for a refund.. she didn't clarify this but I'd hope it would be for the full term but probably just for the remainder.