Living abroad.

  • WoodySenior's Avatar
    I like many others on here find it very frustrating that you are forced down the telephone call route, expensive from France, or into writing a letter over mundane subjects where there is no need to supply sensitive data. My gripe at the moment mainly concerns the fact that my 7th of November Statement, which was due to be paid by the 27th of November turned up here on the 5th of December. It is just as well I keep tabs on it via the internet and had paid it on the 23rd of November via the internet but that they will not communicate by e-mail or 'Chat' means.My bank here went 'paperless' and in spite of numerous complaints have persisted in not sending paper statements to me. I now have to print my statements off using my ink, paper and electricity and unlike in the UK I have to pay them 10.00€ a month for the privalege of letting them use my money.Clubcard also will not communicate with me here in France although they used to. We are at present, the UK that is, still in the eu so what is going on? I found out that I have accumulated over £50.00 in vouchers by phone and was told to adjust my address to that of my daughter in the UK. What!! If that is not an opening to fraud I do not know what is.Unlike others posting I am reluctant to abandon my Tesco account as Barclaycard just arbitarily started cancelling the cards of people like me who live abroad but still use their facilities a couple of years back, as it was 'uneconomic to support us any further'.Finally I seem to be getting charged very small amounts of interest even though I clear the account on time every month. What is that about. It will cost me more in telephone charges than the amounts concerned to complain.
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  • NickJ's Avatar
    Hi , I’m sorry about the cost of the calls from France and the delay in receiving your statements over there, I’m glad you’ve been able to view this through your online banking. We don’t currently have web chat or email facility but you can message us on social media, through Facebook or Twitter for us to look into things for you, but we can’t go in to account specifics.
    Our accounts are only available for UK residents to apply for and designed for UK based customers. In regards to your Clubcard point query, you would have to contact them for more information on this. They can also be contacted on social media, if this makes things easier for you.
    For us to look into this interest you’re being charged, please send a private message to with your name, DOB and postcode with a space between each character.