300% increase in car insurance

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  • PremiumCustomer's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    My car insurance premium has increased from £1,000 to £3,000 😨

    I was involved in an accident in which I was was at fault, whereby I damaged the body panel of another car and scuffed the back of my car. Is this why my premium has gone up so much?

    It is very clear that this level is punitive, as it not affordable now nor again if I was to renew next year. What should I do? I am very distressed.
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    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @PremiumCustomer Hey there, thanks for getting in touch.

    I'm sorry to hear we haven't been as competitive as you'd like this year. Our underwriters regularly review their rates, which means premiums can increase even when no individual details have changed.

    Car Insurance prices are rising in general, I'm afraid, partly due to a hike in the number of cars on the road resulting in more accidents and claims. The costs of parts and labour have also increased which means it is costing more to repair or replace vehicles. Having a fault claim on your policy will invariably translate into a higher premium.

    Whilst we'd love to be able to give you the best price on the market every year, it's sometimes not possible due to how competitive it is.

    I appreciate this will be frustrating, but I hope it sheds a little bit more light on your situation.

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