Double, Double (Toil & Trouble)

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  • mechcity's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    Last year, my insurance on my 5.7ltr V8 Beast doubled, due, I was told to increased claims in the insurance arena.

    This year, I have downgraded to a 1.6 ltr convertible so has my insurance cost fallen? No; its doubled again. £350 to £1400 in just two years; and this, for a car just a quarter of the size!

    Is this the experience that everyone is finding?
    Last edited by mechcity; 10-05-24 at 10:30. Reason: add content
  • 2 Replies

  • Verified Answer

    ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    Verified Answer
    @mechcity Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    I'm sorry to hear we weren't as competitive as you'd like this year. Our underwriters regularly review their rates, which means premiums can increase even when no individual details have changed.

    Car Insurance prices are rising in general, I'm afraid, partly due to an increase in the number of cars on the road, which means more accidents and claims, and the costs of parts and labour have also increased which means it is costing more to repair or replace vehicles. This has resulted in rising insurance premiums.

    If you wish to discuss the quote in more details, please call the Car Insurance team on
    0345 246 2895 (Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm, Sat - Sun: 9am - 2pm) and they'll be happy to help.

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  • mechcity's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    @mechcity thanks for the glib explanation Christopher. Rather than more cars on the road I would suggest that it is the police’ use of ANPR and much more severe penalties for not being insured that is allowing the industry as a whole to put up prices. A 400% increase over two years should by now be putting you in a much better financial position; or are you alleging that costs have risen by this much?

    I have looked around the market and found cover for half the price Tesco are demanding so will not be renewing with you. It’s such a shame that you seek to shaft your customers in this way.
    Last edited by mechcity; 10-05-24 at 16:03. Reason: Correct spelling