I’m hoping someone can help with a problem I’m experiencing due to my own error.

A few days ago I made a balance transfer from my Tesco credit card to another credit card. However, I realised after the transfer that the Tesco card I transferred from
was the wrong one (I have 2 and should have
closed the old, unused one but didn’t).

The tesco card account is still open and has a zero balance but I’m not sure if the transfer went through or if it created an overpayment on the account as I cannot see it in my Tesco app. I only see the one I should have transferred the balance from.

I would like to confirm whether the transfer processed despite the Tesco card being expired with a zero balance and, if so, how to get a refund/transfer to the correct Tesco card (which does have a balance to pay) if there’s an overpayment. The transaction is showing in the new card I transferred the balance to.

Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation? Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.