Phone Code Response - Code read Too Fast

  • brookerry's Avatar
    Fresh Eyes
    I have just logged on to Tesco Banking on a New Device and was required to get a Check Code via telephone. A Call came, and the 8 number code was read out so fast I could not type it in even when it was repeated.
    I then requested another Code and this time tried to write it down but again the 8 numbers were shot at me so fast that I had difficulty getting them down.
    this was not helped by the automatic voice starting with 'or' 83***** then on the repeat the voice said 'Four' 83*****
    How do I get the message slowed down to human speed and accuracy?
  • 1 Reply

  • ChristopherP's Avatar
    Your Community Expert
    @brookerry Hey there, thanks for getting in touch!

    Sorry to hear about that.

    Do you have a mobile number linked to your account? If so, the one-time access code can be sent by text message.

    If not, you can find out how to update your number here. If you're unable to do this, please call the Technical Helpdesk on 0345 300 3511, available 8am - 9pm Monday to Friday, 8am - 6pm Saturday and Sunday, and they'll be happy to help.

    If you need to ask a question about a Tesco Bank product, you can make a post in Help & Support here

    Also, feel free to Introduce Yourself

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