New on line banking app changes

  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    I drafted this in June ... but hey ho !AND ... I registered for the Beta - but heard nothing.Anyway ... you asked for Feedback. Sorry for the length (but the line-spacing here exaggerates it). I'm with Steve & Larry.The previous site wasn't perfect - but the new online-banking is much worse. 1) "Work" i.e. scrolling to do anythingAs Larry says, the Customer should not have to scroll to see the first balance - let alone 3 or 4 account balances.What is the point of the HUGE screen-filling photo of a family biking acress a field? It does nothing but get in the way of the task. The text and line-spacing is over-large, adding to the extra "work".Even at 80% zoom, the first account info is partially hidden. Only at 67% zoom is it fully in view - and the text is quite big enough. Please remove the (unnecessary) picture.Along with sensible line-spacing, 6 or more accounts could be seen in a single view (e.g. Nationwide) - without scrolling. 2) Too much guesswork navigation generally (a.k.a "mystery meat")a) The large square Account box looks like a label not a link.The chevron in circle looks like the link. b) The top Menu is mixed - one plain text and two with chevrons down.Too many links are just plain text, not surrounded by a border - or a distinct colour / font. Please go back to clear navigation - with proper "buttons" or "tabs" - with borders, colour and shading. c) In "Manage Account" navigation is too minimalist.Please show main function links, e.g. Make Payments, Manage Payees - without adding a step. d) From "Your Transactions" is not immediately obvious how to get back to the Home page.Oh.... a thin line chevron the same colour as the passive content.Please colour links differently (and don't be limited by "corporate" colours). 3a) Front page :Alongside the Balance box are 8 squares boxes, each with single transactions - each with a jumble of text and numbers of different sizes - over 4 lines: Who thought these a good idea?There are two rows of boxes - so where to start?By hundreds of years of convention, we read from top left to bottom right - so it is counter-intuitive for the most recent transaction to be at top left.So it takes several seconds to work out the order. Please can we have the option of single line for each transaction - AND, normal date order - and be able to fix it. (not have to correct each time). b) Also, please can we choose how many items to see in one view - none, one, 4 or 5 etc. (e.g. NatWest/RBS) c) Who decides the order of accounts shown on the front page?The Account showing for me is not my priority. 4. Unnecessary extra step to "Manage Accounts"Selecting an account from the front page account should IMMEDIATELY reach "Manage Accounts"......... but no, there is an extra step / page. Why ? The page "Your Transactions" adds nothing - (esp. with the 8 transaction boxes on the front page). It just gets in the way of most tasks. 5) Text is "wrong" in several waysa) Text sizes are too varied - requiring re-focus to jump from the MASSIVE balance ... to the description.In "Your Transactions", the item font size is half the size of the amount. Why ? b) Text is almost all grey - and hard to read (like this "Community") - esp. with acres of empty, white space.What's wrong with black?Web accessibility guidelines set minimum, not maximum contrast. 6) Transitions maybe "clever" - but are distracting.a) There is no need for the large squares to change colour - and unexpectedly. b) When selecting an account - no need for the square to expand to full width (and see 8 as it reduces !) c) In Transactions, item selection expands to a box with un-aligned contents. Why ?These Transitions may be "fun" tech - but please just make things "snap" instantly. 7a) Statement date order is upside-down. Why ?Worse, there is no way to normalise the order.(Nationwide defaults to "normal". Lloyds/Halifax and NatWest/RBS allow the customer to correct (although not "fix")) Further to 5c), As the item box appears, the background disappears. Why ?? b) There is no User control of transactions in view.
    It seems by either zero or 50 !
    Please can Users choose the number of transactions to view ....
    e.g 10 transactions (or a period e.g. full month
    .....but NOT "load more", unspecified number - or without page numbers. (e.g. Lloyds/Halifax).
    c) Where is the option to Print a transaction list ? 8) "Your Transactions" layout is not "fixed".When re-sizing the browser window, content compacts inwards (and flickers) - until at some point, the top account info (large blue box) shuffles content and re-sizes - causing the whole list to jump down unexpectedly. #This "proves" that space is wasted. Please make statement width fixed - just wide enough for the description and the amounts - and put some useful info / links alongside. # This is probably from making the site "Responsive" for mobile devices.Fine, for mobile - but the site should detect the device, not the viewport (window) size. Again, sorry for the length ... but the priority should be customer usefulness not Tech cleverness or design fads.
  • AinsleyC's Avatar
    Former Your Community Expert
    Hi , thanks for your feedback! I have raised this with the team and they'll look into your comments. I hope this helps!
  • Tarian's Avatar
    Pitching in
    I'm sure my comments were passed on ........ but absolutely NO change detectable in the banking website usability. But....The Text on this Community seems a tad darker - but still not black. And re-reading this, I spotted another small but clearly whizz-tech-auto-feature !At my item 8 ) ... it converted to a smiley.I've checked my original document - and it still shows number 8. Techies really should stop second-guessing Users !